PROTECT - Secure online banking on all devices

Neuer Protect VB Kiel

Hardened browser for all systems

The task of a browser is to open up every single webpage and play every video. That is why a browser is the exact opposite of a safe software program – because it opens up everything! Thanks to the PROTECT Browser, you can work on any PC or mobile device both easily and securely – even if the system is already vulnerable. Malware and hackers don’t stand a chance. Banking transactions and payments remain secure.

PROTECT – Advantages for the bank

Secure browser, secure banking

A modern security concept must be based on the browser. If a Trojan attack on the browser is prevented, then all online transactions are protected from manipulation: indeed, the security of all online transactions depends on the security of the browser it takes place on. PROTECT monitors and controls browser and Windows functions, as well as all pages that appear (URL, IP addresses and ports, SSL certificates). PROTECT even shields systems against the latest generation of Trojans, because all malware functions are supressed in the browser by means of tried and tested anti-hooking and anti-cracking mechanisms. Today, PROTECT is used by over 150 banks, rendering them immune to attacks: not a single one since 2010!

PROTECT - Product details